These are recipes based on using a moka pot mentioned in the previous post about how to make espresso drinks at home. As you can see, the espresso drink recipes are simple.
Do something nice for yourself or loved one, make your own espresso drinks every day without having to leave your house! Be a home barista and save yourself hundreds of dollars throughout the year.
Basic Espresso Recipe
1 – 1 1/2 oz of espresso
Cappuccino Recipe
1/3 cup espresso
1/3 cup steamed milk
1/3 cup foam
Latte Recipe
1/4 cup espresso
3/4 cup steamed milk
1 tbsp. Torani syrup (optional)
Mocha Recipe
1/4 cup espresso
3/4 cup steamed milk
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
sweeten to taste
whipped cream (optional)
Check out how to Make Mocha at Home without a Machine.