My daughter and I frequent Trader Joe’s every week and Whole Foods once a month for specialty items.
All this time, I didn’t know about their kid’s programs until now.
Both Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods have a mascot in the store. Trader Joe’s has a stuffed pink owl and I don’t know what Whole Foods mascot is. Please comment below if you know what it is.
Anyway, what these programs do is keep your kids occupied while you are shopping. Genius!
Trader Joe’s
When we go to Trader Joe’s, I tell my daughter to look out for the “owl”. She spends the entire time at the store looking out for the elusive pink owl, which is placed in a different location every time we go.

Once she spots the owl, we can tell the cashier during check out and she gets to choose prize from the silver tin. Usually it’s candy, bracelets, or a plastic, spiky ball.
Trader Joe’s stickers are always available free for the asking. Last time we went, they gave us scratch and sniff stickers! Yes!
I haven’t seen scratch and sniff stickers since I was a kid.
Whole Foods
I’m not sure what the mascot at Whole Foods is. But last time I went to we were at customer service to drop off recyclables (yes, they take cans and bottles but only in small quantities), they asked if we were there for the Kid’s Club.
I had no idea there was a Kid’s Club program. My daughter was able to choose from an apple juice, fruit leather, or cheese crackers. Pretty awesome!
So if your child finds the mascot, you can go to customer service to pick up one of those prizes. They don’t check so you can just go to get a prize for your child either way. Shhh….
Good program, my god! i want to share more for every one and the best of children around world
Each Trader Joe’s has a different mascot to look for. Ours has an eagle and one of the stores in Pasadena has a monkey.
Also, Whole Foods Kids Club is just something you sign up for. I don’t think the hunting is necessary. They give you a card to present.
Smart shopping!
Thanks for the update, Julie!