Christmas is coming up very soon and it’s time to start planning for gifts. In this post, I will share my strategies on how to budget for Christmas gifts and find gifts that they will like!
When you’ve taken the effort to figure out what the person really likes and you got them the right gift, it makes them feel special and it shows them that you truly care and you really know them. Christmas is really about showing people that you care.

1. Make a Gift List.
Make a list of everyone you’re going to give gifts to. So think of everybody including co-workers, family friends, the kids of your friends, your kid’s teachers, etc.

I have a printable Christmas gift list on my blog. When you subscribe you get access to this for free so check it out.
2. Set a Budget for Each Person.
Decide how much you’re going to spend on each person, whether it’s $10, $25, or $50. Do what works for you and is affordable! And the amount can be different for each person.
The amount isn’t as important. What really matters is that the gift will fit the person.
3. Think About What That Person Likes.
Finding out what the person likes will help you pick out the right gift instead of a generic one. That way, the receiver will enjoy the gift more and you will feel more satisfied about the amount you spent.
Of course, it’s tough to find out what everyone likes, so prioritize the people on your list who are the most important to you.
For kids you might be able to find out from the parents what do they really like, such as Hot Wheels, Minecraft, Legos, etc.
4. Start Shopping and Look for Sales.
Once you know what you’re looking for start shopping and shop early! This way you will have plenty of time to look for deals and sales.
It’s better to start early than to do last minute shopping because when you do last minute shopping you’re just going to grab whatever you can find. And it’s probably not going to be the best gift or at the best price.
It’s also going to be less stressful to shop early before the holiday rush. So do yourself a favor and start shopping now!

5. Be Creative.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can think of a way to maybe make it make a gift that’s personalized. For the person who’s hard to shop for, t’s best to personalize a gift for them.
One family friend was on a tight budget but she still went to give a really great gift. Here’s what she did.
She personalized a fleece blanket for me. She bought a plain blanket and hand stitched my name in felt onto it. It’s one of my favorite gifts and I still use it!
It’s special because it was very personalized to me and it’s not something you could just find in a store.
So find out what that person really likes and be creative with it. Here are more ideas.
It could be a picture that you can turn into a canvas print or you can make a collage out of it. Those gifts are really special and one-of-a-kind.
Here’s what I did for my brother. I made him a shirt with our Chinese last name in Chinese on it and I had it done on Redbubble when they had a sale.
And the most important part was that he really really liked it! I was able to find something unique and save money at the same time!
Check out my Redbubble store.

Other ways to do creative gifts is if the person likes to cook you can scour the Internet for cool recipes and put together your own cookbook. You can even gather family recipes to make a cookbook.
Thee are lots of places I can bind it for you, such as Staples or another large office supply store. Or you can make it into a binder.
You can even do the formatting in Canva and make it really look like a cookbook. There are so many possibilities now with the Internet, YouTube, and Canva.
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