1. List all bills and amounts by due date.
2. Mark which bills are on autopay.
3. If there are bills that are due every other month or quarterly, color in the months that the bill isn’t due. Leave blank the month that it is due.
4. When you have paid a bill, check off that month.
This worksheet is for personal use only. Please do not share, distribute, post, or sell.
Budgeting Made Easy Course and eBook – This course and ebook will help, step-by-step, to create a budget, pay off debt, pay bills on time, set financial goals, and figure out what expenses to cut.
Digital Planner for iPad – Budget on your iPad (with GoodNotes and an Apple pencil). No need to print anything when it’s all on your iPad.
Google Sheets Budget Planner – Love spreadsheets? Budget with automatic calculations and graphs with this Google Sheets Budget.